The most important role of Java internal classes – implementing multiple inheritance
< span style="color:rgb(51,51);font-family:Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:14px;"> 1、 Inner class definition: the class placed inside a class is called inner class.
public interface Incrementable{
void increment();
concrete class
public class Example {
private class InsideClass implements InterfaceTest {
public void test() {
public InterfaceTest getIn() {
return new InsideClass();
Client program
public class TestExample {
public static void main(String args[]){
Example a=new Example();
InterfaceTest a1=a.getIn();
From this code, I only know the name of example
public class TagBean {
private String name="liutao";
private class InTest{
public InTest(){
public void test() {
new InTest();
public static void main(String args[]){
TagBean bb=new TagBean();
The variable name is a private variable defined in tagbean. This variable has unconditional access to system. In the inner class out. println(name);
public class Example1 {
public String name() {
return "liutao";
Class II
public class Example2 {
public int age() {
return 25;
Class III
public class MainExample{
private class test1 extends Example1{
public String name() {
private class test2 extends Example2 {
public int age(){
return super.age();
public String name(){
return new test1().name();
public int age() {
return new test2().age();
public static void main(String args[]) {
MainExample mi=new MainExample();
Please pay attention to class 3, which implements two internal classes test1 and test2 respectively. Test1 class inherits example1 and test2 inherits example2. In this way, our class 3 mainexample has the methods and properties of example1 and example2, and indirectly realizes multi inheritance.
public interface Incrementable{
void increment();
Class myincrement
public class MyIncrement {
public void increment(){
System.out.println("Other increment()");
static void f(MyIncrement f){
public class Callee2 extends MyIncrement implements Incrementable{
public void increment(){
I would like to ask you whether the method of increment () belongs to the method that overrides myincrement? Or the incrementable method here. How can I transfer to myincrement? Obviously, it's hard to distinguish. If we use inner classes, we can solve this problem well. Look at the code below
public class Callee2 extends MyIncrement{
private int i=0;
private void incr(){
private class Closure implements Incrementable{
public void increment() {
Incrementable getCallbackReference(){
return new Closure();
We can use the inner class to implement the interface, so that it will not conflict with the methods of the outer class.