Java swing component BoxLayout layout usage example

This article describes the Java swing component @ r as an example_ 516_ 2419@Layout Layout usage. Share with you for your reference, as follows:

@R_ 516_ 2419@Layout The controls can be arranged horizontally or vertically in turn through the parameter X_ AXIS、Y_ Axis. X_ Axis stands for horizontal arrangement and Y stands for horizontal arrangement_ Axis stands for vertical arrangement@ R_ 516_ 2419@Layout The constructor of has two parameters, and one parameter definition uses this @ R_ 516_ 2419@Layout Another parameter is to specify @ R_ 516_ 2419@Layout Whether to arrange horizontally or vertically. Here is an example using @ r_ 516_ 2419@Layout Examples of arranging controls:

In practical applications, we often need separators to add intervals directly to controls. They have the following types:

① Rigid area is a transparent component that users can define horizontal and vertical dimensions; ② Struts is similar to rigid area, but you can only define dimensions in one direction, i.e. horizontal or vertical. You cannot define horizontal and vertical dimensions at the same time; ③ When glue is between two controls, it will occupy the excess space between the two controls as much as possible, so as to squeeze the two controls to both sides; ④ Filler is @ r_ 516_ The inner class of 2419 @ is similar to the rigid area. It can specify horizontal or vertical dimensions, but it can set the minimum, maximum and priority dimensions.

Here is a test case:

@R_ 516_

Operation effect diagram:

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