Jedis explains the five types of operation codes of redis in detail
This article mainly describes jedis's five types of operations on redis: string, list, hash, set and ordered set.
The test cases here are run with junit4, and the preparation code is as follows:
Jedisutil is a simple encapsulation of jedis. The code is as follows:
Key operation
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String operation
In redis, strings can store three types of values:
Byte string integer floating point number section string
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Memcached and redis have the same append operation, but memcached has the prepend operation, which is not available in redis.
Integers and floating point numbers
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On redis2 Version 6 or above has this command: incrbyfloat, that is, the value stored in the key plus the floating point number amount, jedis-2.1 This operation is not supported in 0.
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Redis also has blocking list pop-up commands and commands to move elements between lists: blpop, brpop, rpolpush, brpoplpush, etc.
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There are other commands about set: srandmember, sdiffstore, sinterstore, sunionstore, etc.
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Ordered set
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Ordered sets also have commands such as zinterstore, zunionstore, zremrangebyscore, zremrangebyrank, zrevrank, zrevrange, zrangebyscore, and so on.
Sort sort
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The above is all about the detailed explanation of jedis's five operation codes for redis in this article. I hope it will be helpful to you. Interested friends can continue to refer to this website:
Redis implementation counter - Introduction to the method of preventing bill swiping
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