Popular explanation and code example of communication between Java threads

Inter thread communication: because multiple threads share the address space and data space, the communication between multiple threads is that the data of one thread can be directly provided to other threads without going through the operating system (i.e. kernel scheduling). @ h_403_1@

The communication between processes is different. The independence of its data space determines that its communication is relatively complex and needs to be through the operating system. The communication between processes can only be a stand-alone version. Now the operating systems inherit the communication mechanism between processes based on socket. In this way, the communication between processes is not limited to a single computer and network communication is realized. Thread communication is mainly divided into the following parts. The following is a brief explanation through the example of borrowing books from the library in life: @ h_403_1@

Communicate through shared objects @ h_ 403_ 1@

There is only one "Java Concurrent Programming Practice" in the library. Xiao a borrowed this book in the morning, and then Xiao B went to the library to find this book in the afternoon. At this time, Xiao a and Xiao B are two threads, Java Concurrent Programming practice is shared objects (resources similar to global variables in multithreading). Xiao B found that the book had been borrowed, so he went back and waited for a few days. A few days later, Xiao B went to the library and found that the book had been returned, so he borrowed the book. This is communication through shared objects. @ h_403_1@

Java thread sync lock sync lock code example @ h_ 403_ 1@

Java create and end thread code example @ h_ 403_ 1@

Implementation of condition control thread communication in Java programming @ h_ 403_ 1@

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