Java – ` public static void main (string [] args) ` what does it stand for?

What is public static? What does < x > void main (string [] args) stand for? I tried to understand, but I didn't get it I know public static void main (string [] ARG)


Let's look at each one in turn:

>Public – it's a public method that can access anything that declares its class > < x > – it's a (strange) general method with unbound type variable x > static – the method is related to the type that declares it, Instead of any specific instance of the type > void – the method does not return a value > main – method name > string [] args – a parameter of type string [] named args

Main is the entry point used by the JVM When you run:


It will try in class foo bar. A main method was found in Baz There is no denying that I have never seen a general main method before For more information about generics in Java, read the Java generics FAQ

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