ORM – JPA 2.0: count any criteriaquery?
I try to achieve the following convenient methods:
/** * Counts the number of results of a search. * @param criteria The criteria for the query. * @return The number of results of the query. */ public int findCountByCriteria(CriteriaQuery<?> criteria);
In Hibernate, this is done
What is the equivalent of the above in JPA? I found many simple counting examples, but none used criteriaquery, and the number of rows should be determined
Unfortunately, I found that @ Pascal's answer was incorrect The problem is very subtle and only occurs when you use a connection:
// Same query,but readable: // SELECT * // FROM Brain b // WHERE b.iq = 170 CriteriaQuery<Person> query = cb.createQuery(Person.class); Root<Person> root = query.from(Person.class); Join<Object,Object> brainJoin = root.join("brain"); Predicate iqPredicate = cb.equal(brainJoin.<Integer>get("iq"),170); query.select(root).where(iqPredicate);
When findcountbycriteria (query) is called, it will crash with the following exceptions:
org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Invalid path: 'generatedAlias1.iq' [select count(generatedAlias0) from xxx.tests.person.dom.Person as generatedAlias0 where generatedAlias1.iq=170]
Is there any other way to provide such countbycriteria method?
I wrote a practical class, JDAL jpautils:
> count results:Long count = JpaUtils. count(em,criteriaQuery); > Copy criteriaqueries: jpautils copyCriteria(em,criteriaQueryFrom,criteriaQueryTo); > Get counting condition: criteriaquery < long > countcriteria = jpautils countCriteria(em,criteria)
If you are interested in the source code, see jpautils java