The most complete java learning roadmap — java learning guide


Applicable / suitable for people: suitable for basic Xiaobai

Objective: to master Java se.

● technical point subsection:

1. Introduction to the installation and configuration of development tools 2 JDK installation 3 DOS environment programming 4 Installation and use of eclipse

● Java Foundation

1. Basic grammatical norms 2 Data type 3 Process control 4 function

● initial knowledge of Java OOP

1. Class, object, oriented programming idea 2 String class 3 Random number 4 Regular expression 5 Use of recursion

● fundamentals of Java OOP

1. Java OOP encapsulation 2 Inheritance of Java OOP 3 Polymorphism of Java OOP 4 Java access modifier 5 Java interface 6 Java abstract class

● collection framework and data structure

1. Common Java collections 2 Java generics

● exception handling

1. Anomaly classification, cause, overview, principle and solution 2 Log4j framework

● XML parsing

1. XML overview 2 XML structure overview 3 XML syntax and writing specification 4 Introduction to Dom4j 5 Dom4j application 6 Use Dom4j to parse XML and record system logs

● javaio and network communication

1. Javaio foundation 2 Javannio introduction and usage scenario 3 Network protocol 4 Javasocket programming 5 Detailed explanation of network application framework Apache Mina

● actual combat

1. Class student examination score analysis system 1 2 Class student examination score analysis system 2.3 Class student examination score analysis system 3.4 Website data capture business implementation 5 Analyze target website data according to business needs

Basic chapter

Applicable / suitable for people: have Java language and can crawl data from websites and analyze them

Objective: to master the installation and use of MySQL and oracle on various platforms

● MySQL database foundation

1. MySQL overview, advantages, operation principle and memory structure 2 MySQL data type 3 Use of mysqlddl statement 4 Use of SQL language 5 Introduction and use of DML statement 6 SQL transaction 7 SQL query mechanism, query basis, skills and query optimization;

● MySQL database advanced

1. MySQL database engine classification 2 MySQL transaction 3 MySQL Table 4 MySQL data type 5 MySQL view 6 MySQL index 7 MySQL paging 8 SQL statement optimization skills

● Oracle practice

1. Oracle installation and debugging 2 Oracle data type 3 Oracle vs. MySQL 4 Oracle data structure overview 5 How Oracle works 6 Oracle memory structure 7 Oracle tablespace 8 Creation and use of users, tables and sequences 9 Oracle index 10 Creation and use of Oracle partition table

● PL / SQL actual combat

1. PL / SQL basics 2 Exception handling 3 Cursor 4 stored procedure


1. JDBC overview 2 How JDBC works 3 JDBC API 4. JDBC access database 5 JDBC common interface

● database connection pool

1. Java multithreading development 2 Comparison between multithreading and single thread 3 Multithreaded application 4 Precautions for multithreading 5 Database connection pool technology

● actual combat

1. Electronic banking information management system; 2. Class information management system

Core article

Applicable / suitable for people: Java se has a solid grasp and can develop more complex information management systems


1. Master the basic front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and use JSP and servlet to develop small websites

2. Use framework technology to develop large websites

● HTML + CSS Foundation

1. W3C standard 2 HTML editing tool 3 HTML tag 4 Basic usage of CSS 5 Introducing CSS styles into HTML

● CSS advanced

1. Edit web page text with CSS 2 List style 3 Box model 4 Floating 5 Locate web page elements

● JS Foundation

1. JavaScript core syntax 2 Program debugging 3 JavaScript object

● JS advanced

1. Get to know jQuery, jQuery selector 2 Events and animation in jQuery 3 JQuery operation DOM 4 Form verification

● actual combat of JSP and Servlet

1. B / s program implementation principle 2 Tomcat application server 3 JSP page composition 4 Built in object 5 JSP data access 6 JavaBean application 7 Servlet overview and API 8 Servlet declaration cycle 9 Servlet application

● Ajax combat

1. Ajax overview 2 Ajax execution principle 3 JQuery Ajax overview 4 JQuery Ajax uses

● filters and monitors

1. Application scenario of filter 2 Operating principle of filter 3 Filter configuration 4 Servlet and filter 5 Usage scenario of listener 6 Operating principle of the listener 7 Listener configuration 8 Filter, listener, servlet summary

● actual combat of Struts Framework

1. Introduction to struts 2 Advantages of struts over servlet 3 Installation and configuration of struts 2 framework 4 Overview and use of ognl framework 5 Struts 2 data verification 6 Operating principle of struts 2 7 Struts 2 value stack 8 Struts 2 interceptor 9 Struts 2 internationalization

● hibernate framework practice

1. Hibernate overview 2 Hibernate installation and configuration 3 Hibernate transaction operation 4 Hibernate query operation 5 Hibernate cache overview 6 Hibernate L1 cache operation 7 Hibernate L2 cache operation 8 Hibernate query cache operation 9 Hibernate query optimization 10 Integration of hibernate and struts

● actual combat of spring framework

1. Spring overview 2 Spring installation and configuration 3 Spring uses 4 SSH framework integration foundation 5 Spring integrates hibernate framework 6 Spring integrates Struts Framework

● actual combat

1. Use jQuery to write the dynamic effect of shopping website 2 Use servlet to optimize the information publishing function of shopping website 3 Use jQuery + Ajax + Servlet to complete the page of the shopping website without refreshing data interaction effect 4 Using SSH framework to write simple java web program 5 Optimize shopping websites using SSH Framework


Applicable / suitable for people: proficient in Using SSH framework to develop large websites

Objective: to develop OA office system using SSM framework


1. Maven overview 2 Maven advantages and features 3 Maven installation and configuration 4 Using nexus to create private server 5 Test with Maven 6 Continuous integration using Hudson 7 Building web projects using Maven 8 Svn installation and configuration 9 Use of SVN 10 Git installation and configuration 11 Use of GIT

● project testing

1. Overview and application of black box test 2 Overview and use of white box test 3 JUnit, JMeter test tool

● optimize data layer development using mybatis framework

1. Overview of mybatis 2 Installation and configuration of mybatis 3 Use of Java annotations 4 Operation database 5 Mybatis cache configuration 6 Mybatis integrates Struts development

● optimize presentation layer development using spring MVC framework

1. Sspringmvc and struts 2 Operating principle of spring MVC 3 Spring MVC installation and configuration 4 Introduction to common APIs of spring MVC 5 Spring MVC interceptor 6 Spring MVC's handling of HTTP protocol 7 Spring MVC processing of data model 8 Spring MVC view controller uses

● simplify java web development using the springboot framework

1. Introduction to springboot 2 Advantages and features of springboot 3 Springboot application scenario 4 Spring boot installation and use 5 Introduction to springboot API 6 Springboot integrates Maven 7 Springboot integrates mybatis 8 Spring boot integrates spring MVC

● actual combat

1. Test and evaluate the Java Web project built by yourself 2 Using SSM framework to develop OA office system

Advanced chapter

Applicable / suitable for people: developers who are proficient in SSM framework development

Objective: to build a distributed system and use Java EE applications to meet the personalized needs of enterprises


1. EasyUI framework 2 Bootstrap framework

● distributed big data development

1.Druid 2. mongodb 3. redis

● personalized requirements

1. Scheduled tasks and mail sending 2 WebService and poi 3 Statement and statistical figure 4 Single sign on and quick sign on 5 WeChat official account background 6. Online banking payment interface docking 7 Search engine application

● actual combat

1. Secondary development of OA system

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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