How to keep the selected value of the drop-down list in Java (struts)

I use three interdependent drop - down lists

The user must select the first drop-down list Therefore, the second list will be populated

The user will then select the second drop-down list again and populate the third list

In the third drop-down list selection, the results are populated For the entire drop-down list, I use ajax But for the last drop-down list, I'm using the action, so I have to submit the form

Once the form is returned after the search results The result is a normal population

However, the last two drop-down lists are not populated with the selected values

Therefore, I will assign values when unloading the page, as shown below

document.getElementById("laneid").text = '<%=laneID%>';

I tried this, too

document.getElementById("laneid").value = '<%=laneID%>';

I'm calling Ajax to populate all the values in the drop - down list The value comes from the request variable '<% = laneid% >'

Please help me preserve my values

I think jQuery can help in this situation However, if there are any other solutions, please advise

Thank you very much



Cannot access using select

document.getElementById("laneid").text = '<%=laneID%>'; 
document.getElementById("laneid").value = '<%=laneID%>';

Instead, you should use

var selLaneID = document.getElementById("laneid"); // get the element
selLaneID.options[selLaneID.selectedIndex].value; // gives the value of selected option
selLaneID.options[selLaneID.selectedIndex].text; // gives the selected text

In jQuery:

$("#laneid").val(); // gives value of selected text
$("#laneid option:selected").text();  // gives the selected text
$("#laneid").text();  // gives ALL text in SELECT
$("#laneid").val("val3"); // selects the option with value="val3"

If you want to set the dropdon value in JavaScript, using the jQuery method will be the easiest

With struts, you can also populate and select the drop-down list with < HTML: Select > And < HTML: optionscollection > tags Take a look

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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