Java basic 03 operator branch structure loop structure
1.2 shift operator
< < represents the shift left operator, which is used to move the binary bit of the variable to the left and fill the right with 0.
>Represents the shift right operator, which is used to move the binary bit of the variable to the right and fill the left with sign bit.
>>Represents an unsigned shift right operator, which is used to move the binary bit of a variable to the right and fill the left with 0.
1.3-bit operators &
1.4 priority of operators
2.2 if branch structure
If yes, execute the statement block; If not, skip the statement block;
2.3 if else branch structure
If yes, execute statement block 1; If not, execute statement block 2;
If yes, execute statement block 1. If not, judge whether conditional expression 2 is true. If yes, execute statement block 2. If not, execute statement block n
Judge whether it matches literal value 1. If it matches, execute statement block 1 = > execute break to jump out of the current structure. If it does not match, judge whether it matches literal value 2. If it matches, execute statement block 2 = > execute break to jump out of the current structure. If it does not match, execute statement block n
3.1 basic concepts
3.2 for loop
Judge whether the conditional expression is true. If it is true, execute the loop body = > execute and modify the initial value expression = > judge whether the conditional expression is true. If it is not true, the loop ends
3.3 break and continue
3.4 special cycle