Java – return stream from custom data structure class

I'm developing a program to create a custom LinkedList generic class. I hope to generate a stream from it by calling stream () on the object I checked the documentation and didn't find anything that could help me do this, such as the implemented interface (similar... Iterative, comparative, comparable) I'm thinking about creating a stream method that returns a stream with arrays The stream of stream comes from the array generated by traversing the linked list and allocating elements It doesn't matter. For this generic class, I want its parameters to be constrained to two classes without inheritance A bit like a person or an alien can do this


I assume that your custom LinkedList class has an iterator () method I also assume that it has a constant time size () method Making these assumptions, you can implement the stream () method using the following code:

public Stream<T> stream() {
    Iterator<T> it = iterator();
    int characteristics = 0;  // see characteristics docs in [Spliterator][1]
    Spliterator<T> spliterator = Spliterators.spliterator(it,size(),charactistics);  // see [Spliterators][2]
    return,false);  // see [StreamSupport][3]
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