Spring boot admin method for managing monitoring data
The spring boot actuator can monitor all kinds of application information. The only disadvantage is that the returned monitoring information is JSON format data. In addition, in the micro service architecture, there are many service instances. It seems a little impossible to look at the monitoring information one by one, and so many address information can only be found in Eureka, Is there a function that can centrally manage the service information in Eureka and view the monitoring information provided by the actor through the interface? It is spring boot admin@ H_ 502_ 2@
Introduction to spring boot admin @ h_ 502_ 2@
Spring boot admin GitHub open source address: https://github.com/codecentric/spring-boot-admin @H_ 502_ 2@
For specific code, please refer to my GitHub: https://github.com/yinjihuan/spring-cloud @H_ 502_ 2@