Java – can date changes be detected on the JCalendar jdatechooser field?
I want to detect when to change the date in the jdate chooser field so that I can update another field
Is that possible? If so, where should I start? I've reviewed the documentation, but unfortunately I didn't add methods like actionlistener or statechangelistener (my first idea)
com. toedter. calendar. JCalendar inherits a listener list from JComponent, which implements Java beans. Propertychangelistener. I'll add an audience and see what happens
Editor: I think you can use addpropertychangelister () like JCalendar
JDateChooser chooser = new JDateChooser(); chooser.getDateEditor().addPropertychangelistener( new Propertychangelistener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { if ("date".equals(e.getPropertyName())) { System.out.println(e.getPropertyName() + ": " + (Date) e.getNewValue()); } } }); this.add(chooser);
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