How to capture the exit status of shell commands in Java?
I am creating a JUnit test file for my csvreader I am reading the contents of the CSV file and writing the contents to another file I want to use the diff utility to compare them. I want to use the exit state of diff to know whether the contents are the same Usually $? Gives the exit status, but I don't know how to capture it and use it in my code Who can help me in this regard?
That's what my code looks like
boolean hasSameContents = false; command="diff "+mp.get("directory")+"/"+fileName+" "+mp.get("outdir")+"/"+fileName; p= Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); p.waitFor();
After that, I want to get the exit status and use it under the condition of if
if(exit_status==0) hasSameContents = true; else hasSameContents = false;
Even other suggestions are popular:)
Are you looking for process #exitvalue
String command = "diff "+mp.get("directory")+"/"+fileName+" "+mp.get("outdir")+"/"+fileName; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); p.waitFor(); int exitStatus = p.exitValue();
Don't forget that you should read the contents of InputStream. Even if you don't care, some processes will block (not complete) before reading the output buffer
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