Java Swing: changing text after delay
Basically, I have this game. Once I guess the correct answer, it starts a new game of new words I want to display correctly! But after three seconds, change it to an empty string What do I do?
My attempt:
if (anagram.isCorrect(userInput.getText())) { anagram = new Anagram(); answer.setText("CORRECT!"); word.setText(anagram.getRandomScrambledWord()); this.repaint(); try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(3000); } catch (Exception e) { } answer.setText(""); } else { answer.setForeground(; answer.setText("INCORRECT!"); }
My solution
private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: if (anagram.isCorrect(userInput.getText())) { answer.setText("CORRECT!"); ActionListener taskPerformer = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { anagram = new Anagram(); word.setText(anagram.getRandomScrambledWord()); answer.setText(""); userInput.setText(""); } }; Timer timer = new Timer(3000,taskPerformer); timer.setRepeats(false); timer.start(); } else { answer.setForeground(; answer.setText("INCORRECT!"); } }
I'm not sure, but I hope I follow mad programmer's advice instead of blocking the event itself, but a new thread I also look for Java timer
Swing is an event - driven environment When an event scheduling thread is blocked, no new events can be processed
You should never block EDT in any time-consuming process (such as I / O, loop, or thread #sleep)
You may want to read the event dispatch thread for more information
Instead, you should use javax swing. Timer. It will trigger actionlistener after a given delay
The advantage is that the actionperformed method is executed in the context of event dispatching thread
For examples, see this or this or this or this