Java – JDOM, XPath and namespace interaction
I find it frustrating to use XPath expressions to extract some elements from JDOM documents This is a sample XML document – I want to completely remove the itemcost element from the document, but I can't get an XPath expression to evaluate anything right now
<srv:getPricebookByCompanyResponse xmlns:srv=""> <srv:Pricebook> <srv:PricebookName>Demo Operator Pricebook</srv:PricebookName> <srv:PricebookItems> <srv:PricebookItem> <srv:ItemName>Demo Wifi</srv:ItemName> <srv:ProductCode>DemoWifi</srv:ProductCode> <srv:ItemPrice>15</srv:ItemPrice> <srv:ItemCost>10</srv:ItemCost> </srv:PricebookItem> <srv:PricebookItem> <srv:ItemName>1Mb DIA</srv:ItemName> <srv:ProductCode>Demo1MbDIA</srv:ProductCode> <srv:ItemPrice>20</srv:ItemPrice> <srv:ItemCost>15</srv:ItemCost> </srv:PricebookItem> </srv:PricebookItems> </srv:Pricebook> </srv:getPricebookByCompanyResponse>
I usually only use expressions like / / SRV: itemcost to identify these elements. These elements work normally in other documents, but here it will constantly return 0 nodes in the list This is the code I've been using:
Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace("srv",""); XPath filterXpression = XPath.newInstance("//ItemCost"); filterXpression.addNamespace(ns); List nodes = filterXpression.selectNodes(response);
Where response is the JDOM element containing the above XML fragment (verified with xmloutputter) When parsing this document, the node keeps having size () = = 0 Using the XPath parser in eclipse in the same document, this expression does not work After some digging, I asked the eclipse evaluator to use the following expression: / / * [local name() = 'itemcost'], but replacing / / SRV: itemcost with java code still didn't produce any results Another thing I noticed is that if I delete the namespace declaration from the XML, / / SRV: itemcost will parse correctly in the eclipse parser, but I can't delete it from the XML I can't figure it out now. I really appreciate some right directions
Thank you.
Edit: fixed code –
Document build = new Document(response); XPath filterXpression = XPath.newInstance("//srv:ItemCost"); List nodes = filterXpression.selectNodes(build);
Strange, indeed... I tested it around JDOM, and your code fragment produced an empty list. The following works as expected:
public static void main(String[] args) throws JDOMException,IOException { File xmlFile = new File("sample.xml"); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document build =; XPath filterXpression = XPath.newInstance("//srv:ItemCost"); System.out.println(filterXpression.getXPath()); List nodes = filterXpression.selectNodes(build); System.out.println(nodes.size()); }
It produces output:
//srv:ItemCost 2