Java hibernate uses addentity to create sqlsql
I need to apply SQL queries similar to this
SELECT id as id,c03 as c03,c34 as c34 FROM (SELECT id,c03,c34 FROM students where c34 in( ?,?,? ) order by id desc) o group by c34;
And my java code
private final void retrieveStudents(){ final List result = currentSession() .createsqlQuery("SELECT id as id,c34 as c34 FROM (SELECT id,c34,c03 FROM students where c34 in(:filters) order by id desc) o group by c34;") .setParameterList("filters",Arrays.asList(74,1812)) .list(); result.forEach(this::consumer1); }
This query is OK Returns an array of objects that can be iterated, but I want to return a student object, so I add
But I was wrong
Column 'ACTIVE' not found.
I'll try it, too Addscalar, but the same thing happens
.addScalar("id",org.hibernate.type.IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("c03",org.hibernate.type.DateType.INSTANCE)
Which is the student's column, but it's not my problem. What should I do? I just think that the alias hibernate should be used to fill the student entity in some way
All I want is a student object filled with ID and C34 values
What is possible that I did wrong?
For this use case, you don't want hibernate to treat student as an entity, but as a dto
To do this, do not use the addentity method, but setresulttransfomer:
final List result = currentSession() .createsqlQuery("SELECT id as id,c34 as c34 " + "FROM (SELECT id,c03 FROM students " + "where c34 in(:filters) " + "order by id desc) o group by c34") .setParameterList("filters",1812)) .addScalar("id",org.hibernate.type.IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("c03",org.hibernate.type.DateType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("c34",org.hibernate.type.DateType.INSTANCE) .setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(Student.class)) .list();
This is valid for non entity classes as long as the class has a setter that matches the name of the projection column and has a parameterless constructor I've never tested this on an entity class
If you do not have a setter but a constructor for these three fields, you can use:
// choose here the right constructor java.lang.reflect.Constructor constructor = Student.class.getConstructors()... // ... .setResultTransformer(new AliasToBeanConstructorResultTransformer(constructor));
Edit: I won't use an entity as a dto (but create a specific dto for this use case): if one of your services thinks that the entity is loaded in a normal way (so it is fully initialized), make some modifications (update a field as an example), and save the entity?
In the best case, non nullable fields (on the DB side) will not be initialized. You will receive a constraintviolationexception and trigger a rollback to keep the data safe
In the worst case, you will destroy the data by setting all fields of the entity to null and three loaded fields to null