Use the Maven archetype plug-in to build an instance of the Maven project prototype template
Create prototype template
1. Run the commands above archetype: generate in the empty directory. After downloading the necessary jar packages, first enter the built-in prototype number;
2. After entering any number, continue to download the necessary jar packages, and then enter groupid, artifactid, version and package respectively and confirm
3. Browse Maven project
4. When there are too many built-in prototypes, you can use the - dfilter command to filter
5. POM at Maven project Run MVN archetype: create from project in the XML directory, and the prototype project directory will be generated in the target / generated sources / archetype directory
6. In the prototype project POM XML file, execute MVN install to upload the prototype jar package to the local warehouse
7. At this time, the prototype can be used. Execute MVN archetype: generate - darchetypecatalog = local in the empty directory
The next step is the same process as the first step.
The above example of using Maven archetype plug-in to build Maven project prototype template is all the content shared by Xiaobian. I hope it can give you a reference and support more programming tips.