Java packing and unpacking details and example code
Java packing and unpacking details
To understand the concepts of boxing and unpacking, you need to understand java data types
Boxing: wrap basic types with their corresponding reference types to make them have the nature of objects. Int packaged as integer, float packaged as float
Unpacking: instead of boxing, objects of reference type are simplified into data of value type
Look at the following code
What is the print result?
"= =" compares addresses, but the addresses of a and B objects are different, that is, they are two objects, so they are both false
Parse bytecode through javap, as follows
The print result is
A and B are still two objects
Javap parsing content
Print results
Why is the first true and the second false? Observe the data parsed by javap
Javap parsing content
Print results
Javap parsing content
Javap is a built-in tool for Java. You can decompile or view the bytecode generated by the java compiler (the above code only uses javap - C datatype). It is a good tool for analyzing code. Please Google how to use it
Let's take a look M4. Why does "true" appear in the running result? True indicates that a and B are the same object.
But the a object calls integer Valueof (), B is an object generated by auto boxing. Why is it the same object? Take another look at bytecode. After all, Java programs rely on bytecode running in virtual machines.
M41 this method is only applicable to valueof() once, but it occurs twice in the bytecode, indicating that valueof() is also called during automatic boxing.
The following is the concrete implementation of valueof()
For the number between [- 128127], valueof returns the object in the cache, so the two calls return the same object.
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