java – Android:Generating Elliptic Curve KeypPair
I am trying to realize key generation based on elitic curves Diffie Hellman Now I want to specify my Eliptic curve myself, so I use the parameter from here
The code I wrote is to achieve this:
public void createKey(){ // base point (generator???) BigInteger x = new BigInteger("2fe13c0537bbc11acaa07d793de4e6d5e5c94eee8",16); BigInteger y = new BigInteger("289070fb05d38ff58321f2e800536d538ccdaa3d9",16); // the order of generator BigInteger n = new BigInteger("5846006549323611672814741753598448348329118574063",10); // curves coefficients BigInteger ab = new BigInteger("1",2); // curves cofactor BigInteger h = new BigInteger("2",10); // exponents of the equotation int[] ks = {7,6,3}; ECFieldF2m ecField = new ECFieldF2m(163,ks); // Elliptic curve EllipticCurve ec = new EllipticCurve(ecField,ab,ab); // GENERATOR POINT ECPoint g = new ECPoint(x,y); // Parameter specs? ECParameterSpec ecps = new ECParameterSpec(ec,g,n,h.intValue()); try { // get keypair KeyPairGenerator kg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("ECDSA"); kg.initialize(ecps,new SecureRandom()); KeyPair kp = kg.generateKeyPair(); Log.d("SECLIENT"+type,kp.getPublic().toString()); Log.d("SECLIENT"+type,kp.getPrivate().toString()); }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } }
At this point, the code is compiled But it's trying_ Failed in catch block, it must generate keypair
The error message is:
java. Lang. runtimeException: unable to create EC keyfactory: unhandled field class java security. spec.ECFieldF2m
Does anyone have this question? How can I solve this problem?
I didn't encounter the same problem you encountered, but because you use EC in Android and have a strange runtimeException, I'll leave you 2 cents I hope I can help you
I have another strange error (OEM related)
java.lang.RuntimeException: error:0f06707b:elliptic curve routines:EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name:UNKNowN_GROUP
When trying to use
What happened to me was that I added spongycast as a securityprovider by doing the following:
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
For some devices, everything works as expected, but for others (i.e. LGE nexus 5), I get exactly the same exception
The way to fix it for me is to change the way I add spongycast and do:
Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleProvider(),1);