Java – debug Maven plug-in under eclipse
I want to debug a maven plug - in under eclipse I think I can rely on it; Then write some Java classes that import plug-ins (somehow) and run them as Maven 'exec' plug-ins and 'Java' targets? Will this be feasible or "too difficult"?
(by the way, use case: This is a hibernate 3 plug-in that I can't generate SQL. But I can let it generate XML similar to 'level. HBM. XML'. I don't have any idea. I may create a problem of its own.)
(edit: correct title, add label.)
I now see that I may not have explained exactly what I want: I want to debug the plug-in because it runs in the project that uses it If possible, I want to start debugging from POM Find its parameters / configuration in XML
If you use the M2e Eclipse Plug-in, you can do the following:
>Download and open other Maven projects, such as hibernate plug-ins (File > Import > Maven > material Maven project from SCM) > run and debug them locally
For examples, see +and+debugging+Maven+plugins.