Java – Jackson did not cover the aspirator with @ jsonproperty
Jsonproperty does not override the default name obtained from getter If I serialize the following classes with objectmapper and Jackson, I get
As you can see, the jsonproperty annotation is invalid
class JacksonTester { String hi; @JsonProperty("hello") public String getHi() { return hi; } }
Putting @ jsonproperty on the string itself does not work It seems that the only way I can change the name is to rename getter. The only problem is that its first letter is always lowercase
The problem is that I'm using old and new Jackson libraries
Before me, import org codehaus. jackson. annotate. JsonProperty; I must change to the following in order to be consistent with the library I use
Because I use Maven also means updating my Maven dependencies import com. fasterxml. jackson. annotation. JsonProperty;
For it to work, I need the @ jsonproperty annotation on the getter (placing it on an object doesn't work)
I found the answer here (thanks francescoforesti) @ jsonproperty not working as expected