Java – mockito: wanted but not referenced
I have the following test methods:
MyClass myClass= Mockito.mock(MyClass.class); Mockito.when(myClass.methodUsedInMethodBeingTested(Matchers.any(MyTypeParam.class))).thenReturn(Collections.<X,Y> emptyMap()); assertNull(myClass.methodToTest(myObject)); Mockito.verify(myClass).methodUsedInMethodBeingTested(Matchers.any(MyTypeParam.class));
Methodusedinmethodbeingtested is a method that I want to emulate and return null mappings But I received the news of failure
MyClass { public XYZ methodTotest() { .... .... Map<X,Y> mp = methodUsedInMethodBeingTested(myTypeParam); ..... } public Map<X,Y> methodUsedInMethodBeingTested(MyTypeParam myTypeParam) { ..... } }
You misunderstood what simulation is When you're doing it
MyClass myClass = Mockito.mock(MyClass.class); // ... assertNull(myClass.methodToTest(myObject));
You don't actually call methodtotest on a real object You call methodtotest on mock. By default, you do nothing and return null unless it is stubbed Quoted from mockito docs:
This explains your subsequent error: the method is not actually called on the simulation
It seems that what you want is spy, not:
But please note the warning: because it is the real method being called, you should not use mockito But I prefer mockito doReturn(…). Otherwise, the method will be called once as true If you consider expressions:
Mockito.when(myClass.methodUsedInMethodBeingTested(Matchers.any(MyTypeParam.class))).thenReturn(Collections.<X,Y> emptyMap()); ^-----------------------------------^ this will be invoked by Java
The parameters of the method must be evaluated, but this means that the method methodusedinmethodbeingtested. Will be called Since we have a spy, this is the real method to be called So instead, use:
MyClass spy = Mockito.spy(new MyClass()); Mockito.doReturn(Collections.<X,Y> emptyMap()).when(spy).methodUsedInMethodBeingTested(Matchers.any(MyTypeParam.class)); assertNull(spy.methodToTest(myObject)); Mockito.verify(spy).methodUsedInMethodBeingTested(Matchers.any(MyTypeParam.class));