First acquaintance with Java
[learning purpose]
1.) understand java
2.) create your first java project and be familiar with Java environment construction and program framework
[experimental principle]
Java is an object-oriented programming language that can write cross platform applications.
[experimental environment]
Windows7, MyEclipse version 8.6 0. JDK version 1.7 0_ thirteen
[experimental steps]
1、 Create a java project
1.1 open MyEclipse and select [file] - [new] - [javaproject] to create a new project file named HelloWorld.
1.2 open HelloWorld, select SRC, right-click [new] - [class] to create a new class named HelloWorld, the package name is test, and check public static void main (string [] args).
1.3 in the built HelloWorld Write the statements in the Java class as shown in Figure 1.1.