About thread pools
Core parameters of thread pool
The process of adding threads to the thread pool
By default, a thread is created for each new task until the number of threads in the thread pool reaches corepoolsize.
When the number of threads in the thread pool reaches corepoolsize, a new task will be added to the task cache queue.
If cache queue is full, thread pool will continue to create new threads to process newly submitted tasks.
The maximum number of threads allowed in the thread pool is maximumpoolsize. If this number is exceeded, the thread pool will process according to the rejection policy.
After the number of threads in the thread pool exceeds the corepoolsize, if the idle thread is idle for more than keepalivetime, it will be terminated.
If keepalivetime is allowed to be set for threads in the core pool, threads in the core pool will also be recycled after their idle time exceeds keepalivetime.
Threads of the core pool can also be pre created. The related methods are: prestartcorethread() and prestartallcorethreads().
Thread pool capacity can be dynamically adjusted.