Java generalized linear model library
I'm trying to port some R code to Java / Scala and need an equivalent GLM function Is there any Java / Scala library to solve the generalized linear model with quasi Poisson error and logarithmic link function?
So far, I have found that:
>Suanshu, but can't figure out how to get the hat matrix. > This question, but I can't find the glmulti package mentioned. There is only one R package with the same name
I have no knowledge of building my own solver
Update: I should ask for free / open source For a MAC address, Suanshu seems to cost $1500
It seems that you can get the projection matrix or hat value through this example in Suanshu
The following is an overview of the sample code, although it sounds like you might want to build a more specific glmproblem rather than the base class lmproblem created here:
LMProblem problem = new LMProblem( new DenseVector(new double[]{2.32,0.452,4.53,12.34,32.2}),new DenseMatrix(new double[][]{ {1.52,2.23,4.31},{3.22,6.34,3.46},{4.32,12.2,23.1},{10.1034,43.2,22.3},{12.1,2.12,3.27} }),true); OLSRegression regression = new OLSRegression(problem); OLSResiduals residuals = regression.residuals(); ImmutableVector hatValues = residuals.Leverage(); // gets the Leverage (R hatvalues) ImmutableMatrix hHat = residuals.hHat(); // gets the projection matrix,H-hat
I hope it will help
Other possibilities
>Apache common math has a simpleregression class > dream in code simple regression analysis > OJ! Algorithms > JAMA: a Java matrix package > mallet (machine learning for language Toolkit) and grmm (graphical models in mallet) > more general Apache mahout
See also logistic regression in Java