HTML basic summary

1. H1-h6 label

They are all title tags, which define the title of a paragraph. H1 is the largest, decreases successively, and H6 is the smallest

The title label is used to make the text bold

2. Paragraph label: P label

Used to display a piece of text (picture), which ignores the typesetting in the source code

Block element: an element that monopolizes a row and cannot share the same row with adjacent elements. All block elements have the align attribute, and h1-h6 and P elements are block elements

3. Format label:

B label: bold text

Del tag: contains text with a horizontal line in the middle

EM label: the text of the package is displayed in italics

I label: the text of the package is displayed in italics

Pre tag: displays the layout of the source code

Strongtag: like em, it has the meaning of emphasis. If you want to emphasize a paragraph of text, it is recommended to use the strongtag

U label: underline text

Sup: defines superscript text

Sub: define subscript text

4. Picture label img, which is used to display pictures on the web page

Required attribute: 1 SRC: the path of the picture (relative path or absolute path can be used, but absolute path is not recommended)

ALT: defines the alternative text when the picture cannot be displayed

Relative path: take the location of the current file as the reference path, and the defined path is called relative path

Absolute path: the physical path of the file on the hard disk is called absolute path,

For example:

D: \ work \ 20181129java class \ courseware \ 01 web front end courseware \ web-day1 \ code \ web-day1 \ img \ tly jpg

Optional properties:

1. Title: the prompt text when the mouse is placed on the picture. All elements have a title attribute

2. Width: defines the width of the picture. The default unit is pixel px. The unit can be omitted

3. Height: defines the height of the picture

Br tag: line feed tag, which can be written as or

Hrlabel: horizontal line label, which can be written as

5. Span: usually used to decorate text. You can add styles to it, such as style = "color: red;"

Div: divide the document into several independent parts, block level elements

6. UL defines an unordered list, and the type attribute defines the tag of the list item. The default is disc

Type = "disc" default black dot

Type = "circle" hollow dot

Type = "square" box

Ol defines a sequence table, and the type attribute defines the tag of the item. The default is number

Type = "a" or "a": indicates uppercase or lowercase letters

Type = "I" or type = "I": indicates Roman capital letters or Roman lowercase letters

Border: defines the border properties of the table

Cellspacing: the distance between cells. If it is set to 0, there is only 1 border

Cellpadding: the distance between the contents of the cell and the border

Header: the first row in the table, which is used to display column headings. Use th to define each column in the header, and display the contents in bold and centered

TD (table data cell) represents each column of the data row

Align = "center": center the table as a whole

Align = "center" of tr (table row): make the contents in the row be displayed in the center

Caption: defines the title of the table, which is equivalent to the center of the table

ColSpan: span columns, that is, merge cells horizontally. The value is the number of cells to merge

Rowspan: cross row, that is, merge cells vertically. The value is the number of cells to be merged

Form: form tag, which is used to create a form, collect the data entered by the user and submit it to the server program

Attribute: Action: specifies which server program to send the data of the form to

Method: specify the method to submit data. Common values include get and post. The default value is get

Form field: also known as form element, it is used to collect the data entered by users and submit it to the server-side program

Common form fields: 1 Input element: its type attribute has different values and shows different forms

"Text": represents a text box and provides text input

"Radio": radio box (radio button). The name values of multiple radio boxes must be the same. If the names are different, they cannot be mutually exclusive. The value value is submitted when submitting

Check box. When the name is the same, you can submit multiple values (the value of the value attribute)

File field, allowing users to select local files to upload to the server

Hidden fields, elements invisible to users, can have default values and can be submitted to the server (hidden fields will be widely used in Java EE Development)

2. Select element: represents a drop-down list, also known as a drop-down box. In the drop-down list, use the option element to define the options to be selected. By default, the first option is selected,

Set an option to be selected: add selected = "selected" or selected on the option element

Set the drop-down list to multi selection drop-down list: add multiple attribute to the select element

Settings for the selected element:

Set whether the radio box or check box is checked

Set an option in the drop-down list. The selected attribute is selected

Body label:

1. Background: defines the background picture of the web page. If the background picture is very small, it will be automatically tiled horizontally and vertically

2. Bgcolor: defines the background color of the web page

Textarea: text field, also known as multi line text box. Cols is the width in the text area, and rows: the number of lines

Placeholder: used to set the default prompt text in a single line text box (not textarea). When new content is entered, the prompt text disappears

Label: it has no effect. When used in combination with radio buttons or check boxes, if the for attribute of label is the same as the ID of the button, click

Form button:

1. Submit button: send the form data to the server specified in action

2. Reset button: data clearing

3. Normal button: forms cannot be submitted without adding JS code

Frameset: frame set, which is used to divide the entire browser window into multiple small windows. Each small window is called a frame. Each small window (frame) can load an independent HTML document

The cols or rows attribute defines how to split the entire large window,

Cols: defines the percentage of each frame divided horizontally,

Rows: defines the percentage of each frame divided in the vertical direction,

NoResize: cannot adjust the width or height of the frame. FrameBorder = "0": remove the frame's border

*Represents the remaining percentage, which will be calculated automatically

SRC refers to the relative path of the web page loaded by the frame

. Iframe: an inline framework that can contain other documents (web pages). Inline is inline, because it can share the same line with adjacent elements

Width: width, height: height

FrameBorder: border. 0 or no means no border

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