Panel switching in Java singleton mode

This example shares the specific code of panel switching in Java singleton mode for your reference. The specific contents are as follows

1. First, what is singleton mode

Java singleton pattern is a common design pattern. Let's first look at the lazy pattern:

This does not consider thread safety, because it is easy to have multiple instances in the case of thread concurrency, so this is a thread unsafe mode. There are also models like the hungry man model:

This pattern has been instantiated when the class is initialized, ensuring the only instance, which is thread safe.

2. After a brief understanding of what singleton mode is, let's use a specific example to see how to realize that there can be only one main form when switching the JFrame interface without constantly instantiating and destroying it.

The main class inherits JFrame, so you can directly instantiate this class and display it.

This is a JPanel panel class. It is also a singleton mode. It returns a JPanel instance.

The second JPanel class

This case mainly realizes that the class has only one JFrame window, and when using the function, only the JPanel panel inside constantly switches, which does not affect the state of the main window. And generally, it is better to use the singleton mode for this type of interface.

The above is the whole content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to your study, and I hope you can support programming tips.

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