Basic definition and implementation example of Java data structure stack
This paper describes the basic definition and implementation of Java data structure stack. Share with you for your reference, as follows:
1、 Overview:
1. Basic concepts:
Stack is a data structure. It is a special linear table that can only be inserted and deleted at one end. It stores data according to the principle of last in first out. The first entered data is pressed into the bottom of the stack, and the last data is at the top of the stack. When you need to read data, pop up data from the top of the stack (the last data is read out first).
A stack is a special linear table that allows insertion and deletion operations at the same end. The end that allows insertion and deletion is called the top of the stack and the other end is the bottom of the stack; The bottom of the stack is fixed and the top of the stack is floating; When the number of elements in the stack is zero, it is called an empty stack. Insertion is generally called push, and deletion is called pop. Stack is also called first in first out table.
Stack can be used to store breakpoints during function calls. Stack is used for recursion!
2. Example diagram:
2、 Code implementation:
Operation results:
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