Java – when using Grails sortedset, the first () element cannot be accessed from an empty list
I'm trying to dynamically create some Grails domain objects and then add a sortedset declared in another Grails domain object I created a project class, filled in its values, and checked to make sure it was valid It is valid, so I want to add this item to the employee
My code is basically like this
Employee employee = Employee.get(session.empid) ... //populate some Project objects ... //add projects to employee employee.addToProjects(project)
This could go wrong? If I execute project Validate (), and then check for errors, the only one that indicates that the project does not have a valid employee associated with it – but once I execute employee Addtoprojects should disappear Employee has many project objects. Its declaration is as follows:
class Employee implements Comparable { static hasMany = [projects:Project] static constraints = { } static mapping = { projects cascade:"all,delete-orphan",lazy:false } SortedSet<Project> projects = new TreeSet<Project>(); } public class Project implements Comparable { static belongsTo = [employee:Employee] static hasMany = [roles:Role] static mapping = { roles lazy:false,cascade:"all,delete-orphan" } @XmlElement List<Role> roles = new ArrayList<Role>(); /* * return sorted list. overwriting default getter was causing error upon saving multiple roles. * */ def List getSortedRoles(){ Collections.sort(roles,new RoleComparator()); return roles; } String toString() { return name } // compare by latest date of roles,then by name + id //if this is too intrusive,implement comparator with this logic and sort on rendering page int compareTo(obj) { if(obj == null){ return 1; } def myMaxRole = findMaxRole(roles); def rhsMaxRole = findMaxRole(obj.roles); def rcomparator = new RoleComparator(); System.out.println(myMaxRole.title + " " + rhsMaxRole.title + " " +,rhsMaxRole)); return,rhsMaxRole); } def List getExpandableRoleList() { return LazyList.decorate(roles,FactoryUtils.instantiateFactory(Role.class)); } def setExpandableRoleList(List l) { return roles = l; } def Role findMaxRole(roles){ RoleComparator rc = new RoleComparator(); Role maxRole = roles.first(); for(role in roles){ if(,role) > 0){ maxRole = role; } } return maxRole; } public class Role implements Comparable { static belongsTo = [project:Project] static hasMany = [roleSkills:RoleSkill,roleTools:RoleTool] static mapping = { duties type:"text" roleSkills cascade:"all,lazy:false roleTools cascade:"all,lazy:false } static contraints = { endDate(nullable: true) } boolean _deleted static transients = ['_deleted'] @XmlElement String title = "" @XmlElement String duties = "" @XmlElement int levelOfEffort @XmlElement Date startDate = new Date() @XmlElement Date endDate = new Date() @XmlElement Date lastModified = new Date() @XmlElement LocationType locationType = new LocationType(type: "UnkNown") @XmlElement String rank @XmlElement List<RoleSkill> roleSkills = new ArrayList<RoleSkill>() @XmlElement List<RoleTool> roleTools = new ArrayList<RoleTool>() String toString() { return title; } int compareTo(obj) { return title.compareTo(obj.title) } def skills() { return roleSkills.collect{it.skill} } def tools() { return roleTools.collect{it.tool} } }
Go back to the basics and write an integration test with your object. Everything is normal. You must make an error in how to save the object
Test fragment
void testSomething() { def emp = new Employee(first:"Aaron",last:"Saunders") emp = Employee.get(1) emp.addToProjects(new Project(name:"Project 3")) emp.addToProjects(new Project(name:"Project 1")) emp.addToProjects(new Project(name:"Project 2")) println Employee.get(1) println Employee.get(1).projects.first() }
My object
public class Project implements Comparable { static belongsTo = [employee:Employee] String name; static mapping = { roles lazy:false,delete-orphan" } String toString() { return name } // compare by latest date of roles,implement comparator with this logic and sort on rendering page int compareTo(obj) { if(obj == null){ return 1; } return; } } class Employee implements Comparable { static hasMany = [projects:Project] String first,last static constraints = { } static mapping = { projects cascade:"all,lazy:false } SortedSet<Project> projects = new TreeSet<Project>(); int compareTo(obj) { if(obj == null){ return 1; } return; } }