Java: bad operand types

I'm a beginner. I'm sorry if this question is stupid

I wrote the following code:

public class Traindata {
String City;

public Traindata(String t_city) { 

    if(t_city == "Judenburg" || "Knittelfeld" || "Zeltweg" || "Leoben" || "Bruck/Mur" || "Kapfenberg") {
        City = t_city;
    } else {
        System.out.println("City not allowed: " + t_city + "\n");

All I have to do is check t_ Is the city the same as one of the allowed cities (judenburg, knitelfeld, zeltweg, Leoben)

But when I try to compile the code, I receive this error message: "error: bad operand type '|' of binary operator"

So can anyone help me? I think I'm wrong with "𞓜", but I can't make it work

E: Thank you. I didn't even know that equals () existed


There are two problems in your code: you need to use equals to compare Java strings, and you need to reuse comparisons to construct | expressions:

if(t_city.equals("Judenburg") || t_city.equals("Knittelfeld") ... )

Better, construct a HashSet < string > city you want to match, and use the inclusion method to check the conditions:

Set<String> cities = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(
if (cities.contains(t_city)) {

This is a demo of this later approach on idea

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