Java – how to reference a wicket page with parameters
I need to send wicket links (e.g. by email) to reference instances in the system
For example, a message might contain:
From:... @... To:... @... Subject: order pending
... text... Click here: ... text
I have two constructors for orderdetailpage
public class OrderDetailPage extends BasePage { public OrderDetailPage(PageParameters parameters){ this(OrderRepository.getById(parameters.getAsInteger("orderId")),null); } public OrderDetailPage(Order order,WebPage back) { super(new CompoundPropertyModel<Order>(order)); //Renders the page for the order received. //back is the page we came from. Null hides link. ... } ... }
I don't know how to send a link because I can't create a bookmarkable link because it looks for the default constructor... Of course, I don't
What I'm doing for another page is:
final PageParameters pars = new PageParameters(); pars.add("orderId","1001"); BookmarkablePageLink<Void> link = new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("alink",OrderDetailPage.class,pars); link.add(new Label("id","1001")); add(link);
<li><a href="#" wicket:id="alink"><span wicket:id="id"/></a></li>
The generated URL is
Yes, but the parameter constructor will still not be called
I solved the problem, but I know the solution won't work
public OrderDetailPage() { this(WicketApplication.orderRepository.get(Integer .parseInt(RequestCycle.get().getRequest() .getRequestParameters().getParameterValue("orderId").toString())),null); }
Editor: I read something about "Mount" website. Is this feasible? What about?
Bookmarkablepagelink has two constructors: one is the default constructor for connecting to the linked page, and the other takes additional parameters to provide a link with pageparameters, which will call the constructor with pageparameters
You can create links like this:
PageParameters pars = new PageParameters(); pars.add("id",12345); add(new BookmarkablePageLink("id",MyPage.class,pars);
This also applies to the setresponsepage method:
PageParameters pars = new PageParameters(); pars.add("id",12345); setResponsePage(MyPage.class,pars);