Inheritance of Java classes: simple inheritance of Java and the difference between single inheritance and multi inheritance
Simple inheritance
class class_name extends extend_class { //类的主体 }
public class Student extends Person{}
Example 1
public class People { public String name; //姓名 public int age; //年龄 public String sex; //性别 public String sn; //身份证号 public People(String name,int age,String sex,String sn) {; this.age=age;;; } public String toString() { return"姓名:"+name+"\n年龄:"+age+"\n性别:"+sex+"\n身份证号:"+sn; } }
public class Student extends People { private String stuNo; //学号 private String department; //所学专业 public Student(String name,String sn,String stuno,String department) { super(name,age,sex,sn); //调用父类中的构造方法 this.stuNo=stuno; this.department=department; } public String toString() { return"姓名:"+name+"\n年龄:"+age+"\n性别:"+sex+"\n身份证号:"+sn+"\n学号:"+stuNo+"\n所学专业:"+department; } }
public class Teacher extends People { private int tYear; //教龄 private String tDept; //所教专业 public Teacher(String name,int tYear,String tDept) { super(name,sn); //调用父类中的构造方法 this.tYear=tYear; this.tDept=tDept; } public String toString() { return"姓名:"+name+"\n年龄:"+age+"\n性别:"+sex+"\n身份证号:"+sn+"\n教龄:"+tYear+"\n所教专业:"+tDept; } }
public class PeopleTest { public static void main(String[] args) { //创建Student类对象 People stuPeople=new Student("王丽丽",23,"女","410521198902145589","00001","计算机应用与技术"); System.out.println("----------------学生信息---------------------"); System.out.println(stuPeople); //创建Teacher类对象 People teaPeople=new Teacher("张文",30,"男","410521198203128847",5,"计算机应用与技术"); System.out.println("----------------教师信息----------------------"); System.out.println(teaPeople); } }
----------------学生信息--------------------- 姓名:王丽丽 年龄:23 性别:女 身份证号:410521198902145589 学号:00001 所学专业:计算机应用与技术 ----------------教师信息---------------------- 姓名:张文 年龄:30 性别:男 身份证号:410521198203128847 教龄:5 所教专业:计算机应用与技术
Single inheritance
class Student extends Person,Person1,Person2{…} class Student extends Person,extends Person1,extends Person2{…}
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