Java – @ before / @ beforeclass doesn’t seem to work, and the object represents null
I was learning JUnit and had a problem at the beginning
At the beginning, I want to initialize the object that will be used in the test But @ beforeclass does not
public class InitTests { private Croupier croupier; private Player p1,p2; @BeforeClass public void setUp() { croupier = new Croupier(); croupier.PlayersInit(5,100); p1 = croupier.getPlayer(0); p2 = croupier.getPlayer(1); } @Test // p1,p2,croupier = null,have no idea why. public void PlayerInittest() { assertEquals(0,p1.getId()); assertEquals(1,p2.getId()); }}
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public class Player { private ArrayList<Card> hand = new ArrayList<>(); private int coins = 0; private static int playerNumber = 0; private int id; private boolean inGame = true; public Player(int coins) { this.coins = coins; id = ++playerNumber; } public int addCoins(int amount) { coins+=amount; return amount; } public int substractCoins(int substract) { coins-=substract; return substract; } public int getCoins() { return coins; } public int getId() { return id; } public boolean isInGame() { return inGame; } public void setGameStatus(boolean status) { if(getCoins() < 0 ) inGame = false; else inGame = status; } public void clearHand() { hand.clear(); }} public class Croupier { private String name; private ArrayList<Card> deck = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList<Player> allPlayers = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList<Player> actual = new ArrayList<>(); private int stack = 0; private int bigPlayerStack = 0; private int smallPlayerStack = 0; public Croupier() { System.out.println("tutej."); } public Croupier CroupierInit() { // static PlayersInit(5,100); return new Croupier(); } private void CreateDeck() { String[] suits = { "hearts","spades","diamonds","clubs" }; for (int i = 0; i < suits.length; i++) for (int j = 2; j < 15; j++) deck.add(new Card(j,suits[i])); } private void DeckShuffle() { Collections.shuffle(deck); } public boolean TurnPlayed() { if (!preparedGame()) return false; return true; } public void StartGame() { preparedGame(); System.out.println("Game ended."); } public boolean preparedGame() { clearTable(); if(!setActualPlayers()) return false; setSmallAndBig(); takeFromSmallAndBig(); CreateDeck(); DeckShuffle(); return true; } // set players who are playing public boolean setActualPlayers() { for (Player e : allPlayers) if (e.isInGame()) actual.add(e); if (actual.size() < 2) return false; return true; } // take coisn from small and big blind public void takeFromSmallAndBig() { stack += actual.get(bigPlayerStack).substractCoins(20); stack += actual.get(smallPlayerStack).substractCoins(10); } // set who has small or big blind public void setSmallAndBig() { bigPlayerStack++; if (bigPlayerStack > actual.size()) bigPlayerStack = 0; smallPlayerStack = bigPlayerStack - 1; if(smallPlayerStack < 0 ) smallPlayerStack = actual.size() -1; } // clear table before game public void clearTable() { actual.clear(); for (Player e : allPlayers) e.clearHand(); } public void PlayersInit(int numberOfPlayers,int coins) { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPlayers; i++) { allPlayers.add(new Player(coins)); } } public Player getPlayer(int index) { return allPlayers.get(index); }}
I'm sure these tests are correct because it works when I put the setup method (code from that method) in @ test I hope this is a simple grammar problem, which can't be set as a beginner at present
to greet.
Your test class uses a mix of JUnit 4 and 5 annotations
The JUnit 5 API is incompatible with previous versions of the library and defines a new set of annotations Assuming that your test is running, you may be using the JUnit 5 launcher, so you need to use org junit. jupiter. Comments in the API package
If you want to use JUnit 5, try @ org junit. jupiter. api. BeforeEach or@org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll , use the static method of the latter Their semantic definition is here
If you want to use JUnit 4, you need to restore all comments to JUnit 4 - which means using org. Org junit. Test. Your JUnit launcher needs to be configured for JUnit 4