Java – migrate to Tomcat 8: instancealreadyexistsexception data source
I have a question about the context configuration in Tomcat 8 I migrated the project from Tomcat 7 to Tomcat 8, and there is an abnormal problem: if there is no change in the configuration, I find an error:
"2015-02-03 12:05:48,310 FIRST_ADMIN ERROR web.context.ContextLoader:331 -> Context initialization Failed org.springframework.jmx.export.UnableToRegisterMBeanException: Unable to register MBean [org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.BasicDataSource@434990dd] with key 'dataSource'; nested exception is Catalina:type=DataSource,host=localhost,context=/first- admin,class=javax.sql.DataSource,name="jdbc/datasource/first"
Part of the context:
<Resource name="jdbc/datasource/first" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" poolPreparedStatements="true" initialSize="25" maxActive="100" maxIdle="100" minIdle="25" username="us" password="pa" driverClassName="com.MysqL.jdbc.Driver" validationQuery="select 1" testOnBorrow="true" url="jdbc:MysqL://localhost:3306/firstproject?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&profilesql=false&autoSlowLog=false&slowQueryThresholdMillis=100&autoReconnect=true"/>
Therefore, it has no problem in Tomcat 7 In Tomcat 8, I can solve this problem in two ways:
>Adding resources: Singleton = "false"; > By adding to the asset: Factory = "org. Apache. Tomcat. JDBC. Pool. Datasourcefactory"
If I understand that Tomcat creates data sources for my application and JMX, but in Tomcat 7, it is a single object, and in Tomcat 8, it must be different So my question is why did this happen? I can't find any information about this change in the document What's interesting to me is better: create a single data source (I think so), or create several data sources through a factory
I have the same error and fix it by adding registration = "ignoreexisting" to the MBean export section:
<context:mbean-export server="mbeanServer" default-domain="mydomain" registration="ignoreExisting" />