Neo4j – Java heap space Wrong query or setting?
I have neo4j a problem
I have to build an application that stores bus / train routes This is my architecture:
>Organization: companies with routes / buses, etc. > Route: bus route, e.g. Paris – Berlin. > Vehicle (in this case, bus): fisical bus with unique license plate. > Stop: points to a map with latitude and longitude
Important relationships:
>Next: This is a very important relationship
The next relationship contains the following attributes:
>Starthour > startminutes > endhour > endminutes > DayOfWeek (from 0 to 6 – sun, Monday, etc.) > vehicleid
My query is:
MATCH (s1:Stop {id: {departureStopId}}),(s2:Stop {id: {arrivalStopId}}) OPTIONAL MATCH (s1)-[nexts:NEXT*]->(s2) WHERE ALL(i in nexts WHERE toInt(i.dayOfWeek) = {dayOfWeek} AND toInt(i.startHour) >= {hour}) RETURN nexts LIMIT 10
For example, I want to find all nexts relationships, where DayOfWeek is Sunday (0) and the attribute starthour > 11
After that, I usually parse and validate the final object on my nodejs backend
This works at the beginning of my relationship with 1K Now I have a 10k relationship. My query has a timeout problem or the query is solved in 30s Too much time... I don't know how to solve this problem I use neo4j and docker. I try to read the setup documentation, but I don't know how Java works
Can you help us?
Thank you! Now I've solved it with "allshortestpaths", but I think I'll rename all the relationships (as Michael hunger said)
Have you ever tried:
MATCH p=allShortestPaths((s1:Stop {id: {departureStopId}})-[:NEXT*]-> (s2:Stop {id: {arrivalStopId}}) ) WHERE ALL(i in RELS(p) WHERE toInt(i.dayOfWeek) = {dayOfWeek} AND toInt(i.startHour) >= {hour}) RETURN rels(p) as nexts LIMIT 10
This should use the fast shortest path algorithm because:
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