Can you comment on my java game?

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I made this game, forest defender, a small project with feasibility proof. I want to share and collect your constructive opinions, first impressions, etc This is the first playable (and enjoyable) game I released to the public, so I am naturally eager to get your consent I read this on the stackoverflow blog

It appears in the form of Java applet. I use an animation framework called pullcore. I must say that it is very pleasant to use it I recommend it to those who are interested in java game development

Since the product is free, interesting and has no commercial value at all, I am willing to share the code with it (on request). I think it is OK to publish it here as a theme Host, if you think other places are more suitable, please feel free to move them to other places


Has anyone ever met the blue screen? Are there any errors or problems? If so, which operating system and Java version are you using?


Because many people think that some areas of the game are not easy to read, I spent some time on Photoshop for better readability and clearer design The description is now easier to read, the background of the information panel in the game has been replaced, and the credit screen is clearer: -) I also want users to provide their names or aliases so that the high score table can be displayed in the future



>The game looks reliable and stable After half an hour of playing the game, there was no collapse. > Music is very good for Indy games Most independent developers either skip music and sound together, or use some free gift samples they find that drive me crazy by boring, repeating or sounding very painful


>You lost a score for a non original idea You basically created a desktop tower defense clone Don't get me wrong. Your company is very good It's a compelling game to play, and you're hardly the first to copy it If you do this to learn a new language or try to use tools, you have more power, but linking to the original creator will not be hurt If you give due credit, it won't make your game less interesting. > On the welcome menu, the foreground and background colors of the text are too similar This makes the text difficult to read Consider using higher contrast colors. > If the mouse cursor is too far to the left or right, you can cut off the tooltip in the playback screen Because of the low contrast between foreground and background, they are also difficult to read Consider changing the background layer to be less transparent. > During the game, the statistics and information panel on the right side of the screen is not clear Consider dividing it into several parts:

>This wave > next wave > money and & Life

>Money and & life are more important, so put them first Money is also about buying, so it makes sense to bring it closer to the tower purchase button. > I don't know what the "R" and "W" indicators of color spots are trying to show me. > I usually want to place several towers at the same time, especially at the beginning of the game After placing the first tower, let me immediately place another tower. Don't let me go back to the right panel and select the second tower I want. > You said, "I'd like to share the code (on request)" I think it's a bad idea to keep the code for myself Just put the code on GitHub and distribute it under an open source license Keep hidden, you are fearless

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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