Java – resource folder in Android studio unit test
I have a gradle project with the following structure:
project/ src/ androidTest/ java/ main/ java/ res/ AndroidManifest.xml build.gradle
Now I want to add a unit test that uses resources ("raw" or "asset")
I put resources into project / Android test / assets / test_ File and use getcontext() getresources() getAssets(). open(“test_file”); (in androidtestcase)
However, this gives me a FileNotFoundException How to solve this problem?
It looks like you're trying to create a test unit test because you want to create it in the Android test folder
You can use one of these two lines to get the context in the test:
> Context ctx = InstrumentationRegistry. getTargetContext(); This will give you the context of your application You can use it to get assets such as Src / main / assets. > Context ctx = InstrumentationRegistry. getContext(); This will give you the context to test the application You can use it to get the assets in Src / Android test / assets
If you want to learn more about the assets in unit testing, you can read this post At @ L_ 404_ 1 @ you have an example