Java – getting two quaternion angles
Well, so I tried to get the angle of two quaternions, it's almost perfect, but then it's from
evec angle: 237.44999653311922 evec angle: 119.60001380112993
And I can't figure out why to my life (Note: EVEC is an old variable name, which is only left in the printed matter)
Anyway, this is my code:
FloatBuffer fb = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(16); // get the current modelview matrix GL11.glGetFloat(GL11.GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX,fb); Matrix4f mvm = new Matrix4f(); mvm.load(fb); Quaternion qmv2 = new Quaternion(); Matrix4f imvm = new Matrix4f(); Matrix4f.invert(mvm,imvm); qmv2.setFromMatrix(imvm); qmv2.normalise(); Matrix3f nil = new Matrix3f(); nil.setIdentity(); Quaternion qnil = new Quaternion(); qnil.setFromMatrix(nil); qnil.normalise(); float radAngle = (float)(2.0 * Math.acos(,qnil))); System.out.println("evec angle: " + Math.todegrees(radAngle));
How to make it jump from 237 to 119 and continue to rise to 360?
First, what does the angle between two four-dimensional vectors (= quaternions) mean to geometry? You can calculate it, but the result may be meaningless Maybe you're looking for the angle between the rotation axes represented by two quaternions?
Second, you have a mistake:
float radAngle = (float)(2.0 * Math.acos(,qnil))); ^^^^^
The result of ACOS is angle Don't multiply by 2
Third, the angle between two vectors in 3D or 4D space will never be greater than 180 ° It can be on the plane because the plane imposes a direction In 3D space, you must define any direction as "up" to obtain an angle higher than 180 °