java – Gson:JsonSyntaxException on date
I tried to deserialize a JSON array using gson, but I'm getting a jsonsyntaxexception The JSON string is generated by using jsonresult Net mvc3 web service creation (meaning that I don't create JSON manually, it is created by a library that I know works on several other platforms)
This is JSON:
[{"PostID":1,"StudentID":39,"StudentName":"Joe Blow","Text":"Test message.","CreateDate":"\/Date(1350178408267)\/","ModDate":"\/Date(1350178408267)\/","CommentCount":0}]
This is the code:
public class Post { public int PostID; public int StudentID; public String StudentName; public String Text; public Date CreateDate; public Date ModDate; public Post() { } } Type listOfPosts = new TypeToken<ArrayList<Post>>(){}.getType(); ArrayList<Post> posts = new Gson().fromJson(json,listOfPosts);
Exception: invalid date format: /Date(1350178408267)/
Anyone knows what happened
I found an answer here, but I found it strange that there was no simpler way Several other JSON libraries I use are supported by themselves Net JSON format I was surprised when gson didn't deal with it There must be a better way If anyone knows, please post it here It's all like this. This is my solution:
I created a custom jsondeserializer and registered it as a date type By doing so, gson will use my deserializer as the date type instead of the default If you want to serialize / deserialize in a custom way, you can do the same for any other type
public class JsonDateDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Date> { public Date deserialize(JsonElement json,Type typeOfT,JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { String s = json.getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsString(); long l = Long.parseLong(s.substring(6,s.length() - 2)); Date d = new Date(l); return d; } }
Then, when I create my gson object:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Date.class,new JsonDateDeserializer()).create();
Now my gson object will be able to parse Net date format (millis since 1970)