Development of Java wechat public platform (11) Association of three wechat platforms

Wechat public platform (map. Weixin. QQ. Com) / open platform (open. Weixin. QQ. Com) / merchant platform (pay. Weixin. QQ. Com) I don't know whether you have fully contacted these three platforms. Some people may be unfamiliar with one or two of them or don't know what they do respectively. It doesn't matter. Then this article will lead you to know them. Whether you are a wechat developer or a wechat operator, I believe you will There is enough reason to recognize and understand one or two of them!

(1) Wechat public platform (map. Weixin. QQ. Com)

Official introduction: wechat public platform is a new service platform that provides business services and user management capabilities to individuals, enterprises and organizations.

This platform is for ordinary users The services provided by (individuals), enterprises and organizations are the territory of operators and developers! It is said here that the services provided to us by subscription number, service number and enterprise number, and the wechat public platform is also a platform for login, management and operation of these three types of accounts, which can be @r)u 419)u 2472@ processed from registration to final login, article publishing and user management, Hereinafter referred to as MP platform!

(2) Wechat open platform (open. Weixin. QQ. Com)

An official account: the development platform is a platform for providing services to WeChat users, and the public platform development interface is the basis for providing services. Developers can create public numbers and obtain interface permissions on public platform websites, and can help develop by reading this interface document.

This is mainly the territory of developers! We can find from the official account that this platform is mainly for developers' services, including mobile applications, web applications, public number development, official account third party platform, etc. WeChat login, payment and related development documents can be @R_. 419_ 2472 @ find it. It's simply a complete set of interfaces accessed by wechat and other third-party applications, hereinafter referred to as the open platform!

(3) Wechat merchant platform (pay. Weixin. QQ. Com)

Official account: WeChat payment is the brand of Tencent Inc's payment business, WeChat pays public payment, APP payment, scan code payment, credit card payment and so on. WeChat payment combined with WeChat public account, fully open up O2O consumer life, provide professional Internet plus industry solutions, WeChat payment support WeChat WeChat and WeChat financial communications, is the first choice for mobile payment.

This merchant platform not only provides developers with relevant development documents, but also provides flow records, red envelopes and other relevant operation strategies, so this is the territory of developers, operators and finance! All daily orders using wechat payment, including code scanning payment and app payment, can be @ R_ 419_ 2472 @ find footprints and provide reconciliation vouchers and query records for each order, hereinafter referred to as pay platform!

(4) MP platform, open platform and pay platform are directly related

In some of the development processes I mentioned earlier, we have always used a unique ID openid. I don't know if any friends who read the documents carefully will find that a unique ID unionid is also mentioned in our wechat development documents. Is the openid we have been using wrong? Of course, the answer is yes. Here, let's talk about the relationship between openid and unionid in detail;

The only identification of openid is that under our wechat public platform, A personal wechat account to a wechat public platform account (here can be subscription number, service number and enterprise number), but one function of our open platform is that a developer account can bind up to 10 wechat public platform accounts, multiple website applications and multiple mobile applications. At this time, how to identify the uniqueness of users under 10 map platforms in a wechat developer account? At this time, the unionid will appear Now, so its significance can be imagined. If there are MP platform accounts, web applications and mobile applications in the enterprise, in order to facilitate user management and eliminate user redundancy, I believe everyone will use unionid as the unique identification of wechat login in the overall design; But looking back, it's not wrong for us to say that openid is the only ID, because our previous explanations are for a single public platform account!

What is the relationship between merchant platform, users and MP platform? In simple principle, the MP platform and pay platform have a one-to-one correspondence, but there are wechat developers who have wechat payment development permission and wechat business account sub accounts. However, the payment relationship between pay platform and users is unique and generated by openid, Whether red envelope payment or enterprise payment, its dependency is openid; Now I'll use my "simple strokes" to show you the relationship among users, MP platform, open platform and pay platform:

The relationship between wechat public platform / open platform / merchant platform under development is basically over here. The next article will talk about [acquisition of wechat user information]. Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, you can leave a message for discussion!

The above is the whole content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to your study, and I hope you can support programming tips.

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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