Java – returns only the last element in the ArrayList
I've been teaching myself Java. I've always insisted on a problem. No matter what I do, it seems that I can't solve it I did some research, but all the options offered seemed useless I hope you can teach me something
I have one Txt file containing:
AccountName1:Password1 AccountName2:Password2 AccountName3:Password3 AccountName4:Password4 AccountName5:Password5
Then read the elements of the file and insert them into the list:
import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; public abstract class AccountFileReader { private static Scanner sc; public static void main(String[] args) { try { // Enables ability to find file in any OS. String file = File.separator + "some folder name" + File.seperator + "AccNamePw.txt"; File f = new File(file); sc = new Scanner(f); List<AccountInfo> accounts = new ArrayList<AccountInfo>(); String name = ""; String password = ""; while (sc.hasNext()){ // Reads and checks if there is a new line String line = sc.nextLine(); // Creates delimiter to make the different elements on file f String[] details = line.split(":"); // Initializes 1st element name = details[0]; // Initializes 2nd element password = details[1]; // Creates new object "a" that has the 2 elements from each line AccountInfo a = new AccountInfo(name,password); // Adds the "a" object to the "accounts" List accounts.add(a); } // Iterates list and prints out the list for(AccountInfo a: accounts){ // The hiccup is in here somewhere. This for loop isn't working in // a way I think it's supposed to. // Create new object of the getter,setter class to use in this loop AccountInfo namPw = new AccountInfo(name,password); name = namPw.getName(); password = namPw.getpassword(); System.out.println(a.toString() + " " + name + " " + password); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();} } }
Getter / setter classes are as follows:
public class AccountInfo{ private String name; private String password; public AccountInfo(String name,String password) { this.setName(name); this.setPassword(password); } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public String getpassword() { return password; } public String toString(){ return name + " "+ password; } }
My output is:
AccountName1:Password1 AccountName5:Password5 AccountName2:Password2 AccountName5:Password5 AccountName3:Password3 AccountName5:Password5 AccountName4:Password4 AccountName5:Password5 AccountName5:Password5 AccountName5:Password5
But I want it back:
AccountName1:Password1 AccountName1:Password1 AccountName2:Password2 AccountName2:Password2 AccountName3:Password3 AccountName3:Password3 AccountName4:Password4 AccountName4:Password4 AccountName5:Password5 AccountName5:Password5
I know a.tostring() returned correctly, but my nampw Getname() and nampw GetPassword () only gives the last element of the list
What do I not understand or lack? How to make nampw Getname() and nampw Getpassword() returns list correctly?
The problem is to declare the name and password before the while loop These variables store the last user name and password encountered When the while loop ends, these variables store the values of accountname5 and password5, respectively
When you enter the second for loop, first create a new useraccount with the name and password that stores accountname5 and password5
If you only want to print this list, you do not need to create a copy of the contents of the list Just do it:
for(AccountInfo a : accounts) { System.out.println(a.toString() + " " + a.getName() + " " + a.getpassword()); }