Detailed explanation of 505 interview questions in “full analysis of Java interview”

"Full analysis of Java interview" is an e-book I released in gitchat. The book has a total of 150000 words and 505 Java interview question analysis. At present, it should be the most practical and complete Java interview question analysis.

I joined the programming work in 2009 and worked in the technology company all the way. I have been in Shanghai for a few years. The companies I have stayed in include 360 and youjiu games. Because of my family, I gave up the offer of Ali nailing team and returned to Xi'an.

Since April 2015, I have been working as a R & D Manager in a listed company for nearly five years. I have met many people and interviewed many technicians along the way. Most of the interview results are very frustrating. This is one of the reasons why I published this book to help more people understand the core knowledge of technology.

In order to write this column well, I visited one or two Internet companies, had face-to-face discussions with different interviewers and interviewers, and had an in-depth understanding of the requirements of enterprises for interviewers and common Java interview questions. After that, I spent more than half a year, combined with my experience as an interviewer for more than 4 years, compiled these contents, and made a detailed introduction to the core knowledge points of Java and more than 500 common interview questions with about 150000 words, that is, all the contents you see in this column. I hope it can be helpful to you.

Why learn this column?

"Because it can win you the initiative of interview and make you get a better offer."

For more than ten years, I have changed from an interviewer to an interviewer and accumulated rich experience in Java interview.

In fact, many interviewers have stepped on some "pits" when collecting interview data. Have you also encountered:

In order to avoid these "pits", I went to many Internet companies to confirm the high-frequency knowledge points and common questions actually investigated in the Java interview. But with the first-hand material, how can I let you really learn from my explanation and use it in practice?

After repeated verification, I designed the following content description mode.

First, 500 + detailed explanation of interview questions.

If you are a newcomer who has not yet entered the workplace, I will provide you with a complete explanation of the Java technology stack and a detailed explanation of the latest, most complete and most practical more than 500 Java interview questions.

Second, sort out 150000 words of Java core knowledge points.

Each content of this column adopts the mode of "core knowledge points + n relevant interview questions", so that you can not only cope with the interview, but also learn more core Java knowledge.

Third, the balance between technology and interview will not only let you learn from your heart, but also help you show it.

In the face of the relative indifference of the current technology market and the competition of multiple candidates for a position, only when interviewers master more Java core skills and interview theoretical knowledge can they stand out among many interviewers.

Each article in this column is roughly divided into two parts: introduction to Java core points + detailed explanation of relevant interview questions. These two parts complement each other. The introduction to the previous core knowledge points makes the later interview questions easier to understand, and the latter interview questions deepen readers' mastery of Java core points. In this way, you can not only cope with the interview, but also learn more valuable Java technology points, so that you can show better in the interview and work.

Column outline

This column is divided into seven parts, a total of 37 lectures, about 150000 words.

Part I: Java foundation strengthening

This section contains seven articles. I will start with the most basic content of Java. There is an in-depth explanation of the most common string interview questions from appearance to principle; There is also the introduction of new features in Java 8, such as time and date module, which allows you to write more perfect code in a more concise and optimized way; There are also many unknown interesting phenomena and knowledge blind spots in our daily packaging; There is also the introduction of arrays and algorithms. Although they are basic, they are easy to be ignored and error prone by interviewers

Part II: various classes and clones

This section contains four articles. In addition to explaining the relevant contents of various classes and interfaces in Java, it will also explain various implementation methods of shallow cloning and deep cloning, and cooperate with various pictures to make you understand the essence of deep / shallow cloning more vividly.

Part III: data structure and queue

This part contains four articles. In addition to explaining the relevant interview questions, we should clarify the relationship between various sets and create the relationship between sets, so as to have a clear understanding of the overall understanding of the set. I used induction and various diagrams to help you clarify your thinking and get through your "Ren Du pulse". There is also the content of the queue, which may be often heard by developers, but it is rarely used in actual work. This part will also take you to play with these data structures, so that you can deal with them freely in the interview.

Part IV: Reflection and dynamic proxy

This part will help you clarify the relationship between reflection and dynamic proxy, and provide many practical scenarios for you to better use reflection and dynamic proxy. Of course, this part will also provide you with the implementation methods of various forms of reflection and dynamic proxy, so that you can use them at will. This part also provides IO related knowledge, detailed examples and principle analysis, and will also try to write a simple socket server.

Part V: multithreading programming

This section contains 7 articles, which describe 8 kinds of thread pools including Java 8, the correct use posture of thread pool, the writing of deadlock code and the solution of deadlock. This section will also introduce various locks in Java, their differences and usage scenarios, solutions to CAS and famous ABA problems, and various high-frequency interview questions in multithreading.

Part 6: Java popular framework and distributed message queue

This section contains six articles, from spring to springboot, a popular microservice framework recently, as well as the commonly used domestic mybatis and other commonly used frameworks in the Java technology stack, such as Dubbo and zookeeper, as well as the introduction and interview questions of distributed message queues rabbitmq and Kafka.

Part VII: advanced Java Masters

This section contains 6 articles, which can be described as the most practical interview supplement "big gift bag" of Java technology stack, and a summary of interview questions with design patterns; There is also a summary of DBA level MySQL and redis interview questions; There is also a summary of interview questions about JVM and algorithms that must be understood by experts; Finally, back to the topic of this column, we provide a summary of the most error prone interview questions in Java as a closing item to help you get the offer you want steadily.

The following is the knowledge tree of this column:


I hope that through the study of this column, you can not only get an offer and get a better job, but also establish a complete java knowledge system, so that everything you learn can be transformed into actual productivity and help you achieve extraordinary results in your work. And I hope that after you understand the principle, you can always store these memories in your brain, so that it will become your lifelong wealth.

I firmly believe that continuous learning is the most valuable investment. Let's act together and do this most valuable thing together.

Finally, I wish every friend who studies this column can find his ideal job.

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The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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