How to quickly close unresponsive WebSockets in Java spring Tomcat?
I have a real-time application. The client uses WebSockets to connect to the spring framework server running spring boot Tomcat I want the server to quickly (within 5 seconds) detect that the client stops responding due to network disconnection or other problems and close the websocket
I tried
>As described in the document, set "maximum session idle timeout" to "configure websocket engine"
@Bean public WebSocketHandler clientHandler() { return new PerConnectionWebSocketHandler(ClientHandler.class); } @Bean public ServletServerContainerfactorybean createWebSocketContainer() { ServletServerContainerfactorybean container = new ServletServerContainerfactorybean(); container.setMaxSessionIdleTimeout(5000); container.setAsyncSendTimeout(5000); return container; }
I don't know if this is implemented correctly because I don't see the link between the servlet server container factory bean and my next generation client handler
>Send Ping messages from the server every 2.5 seconds After manually disconnecting the client and disconnecting the network connection, the server can quickly send Ping for 30 seconds until a transmission error occurs. > 1 and 2 > 1 and 2 at the same time, and in application Set server in properties session-timeout = 5
My test method is:
>Connect websocket from laptop client to Tomcat server > use physical switch to close network connection on laptop > wait for Tomcat server event
How can the spring framework Tomcat server quickly detect that the client is disconnected or does not respond to close the websocket?
Application events may help you
PS:Annotation driven events
PS2: I made an example project for you