Explain in detail some small problems encountered when configuring spring boot actuator
Spring boot actuator is a monitoring component provided by spring boot. You only need to add dependencies in the code
Some small problems encountered
1. Dependency can be added
To ensure the security of the exposed interface of the actor, you can access basic auth through -u 'user: password'
2. If the project relies on the spring MVC framework and the basic configuration file is application Yaml, you can add application Properties file to configure the security configuration
3. If security dependency is added, all interfaces need to be verified by default. If you only want to verify the requests under the / Admin path, you need to add configuration
4. If the project relies on a non spring MVC framework, you need to add MVC dependencies to the dependencies
5. If management security. If the value of enabled is false, it depends on endpoints in addition to the health interface health. Except for the sensitive configuration, other interfaces do not need to enter user names and passwords.
6. The health interface permission exposed by the actor consists of two configurations: management security. Enabled and endpoints health. The results of sensitive combination are returned.
7. In addition to the metrics and health interfaces mentioned above, there are many other default interfaces in the actor component. If its default interface cannot meet your needs, you can also implement your own endpoint by inheriting its abstractendpoint class
Finally, an example of configuration file is attached:
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