How to set up a complex java development infrastructure?
I am looking for a complete java development infrastructure that integrates:
>IDE like eclipse, > build system like maven, > version control system like subversion, > continuous integration server like Hudson, > repository manager like nexus, > automatic release plug-in like Maven release plugin
Further, I would like to:
>Predefined multi-component project structure
... and optional:
>For problem managers like JIRA, > integration with open source hosts such as SourceForge
Evaluating all these systems may take a long time to set up the running infrastructure for a month or more
At work, I plan to set up each system separately, but for my private development at home, I want to be like the deviware – a development environment virtual appliance (unfortunately, I can't find the download link), all of which have been installed and functions
So, please give me some suggestions on which combinations to create an effective infrastructure? Or even better, where to find a preconfigured development infrastructure?
PS: I don't promise any specified products, so if they match better, please put forward alternatives at any time
If you want to avoid some integration pain, please check secureci, which is a free download of various open source products in the integration stack
Blurb from website:
These tools are bundled with the current version:
>Project management
>Trac (0.11.5) > sonar (1.10.1)
>Security scan
> ratproxy(1.58)
>Subversion (1.4.6) > Hudson (1.322) > Apache ant (1.7.1) > Apache Maven (2.2.1) > sonatype Nexus (1.3.6)
>JUnit (4.6) > cobertura (1.9.2) > selenium remote control (1.0.1)
>Code analysis
> Checkstyle(5.0) > FindBugs(1.3.8) > PMD(4.2.5) > JDepend(2.9)
In terms of IDE integration, a later version of eclipse is now integrated with mylyn, which provides a task-centered API for connecting various tools Trac integration can be installed using the connector install wizard
Other eclipse integrations to use:
>Subversion integration: subclipse and subclipse mylyn integration > Hudson plugin > Maven integration: m2eclipse (there are also some mylyn connectors) > code coverage: EclEmma (I find the cobertura plug-in doesn't work very well) > selenium plugin > checkstyle plugin > findbugs plugin > @ L_ 419_ 22 @ > jdepend plugin or cap