Jar – getting started with JavaCC

I'm new to JavaCC and can't figure out how to make it work I am using Mac OS X, and I have javacc-6.0 installed Zip and unzip it I can't access the JavaCC script from my path because I typed JavaCC on the terminal and I received the following message:

-bash: javacc: command not found

How do I access JavaCC scripts from my path@ H_ 404_ 5@

My unzipped folder javacc-6.0 is located in the following directory: / users / rishabh / desktop/ javacc@H_404_5 @

So I did the following things on the terminal: @ h_ 404_ 5@


Next, JavaCC gave me the same information@ H_ 404_ 5@


JavaCC version 6.0 (July 22, 2013) I downloaded today does not have a complete bin directory It is missing all script files! I hope this will be solved soon

For OS X and other UNIX / Linux variants, the missing script file is named JavaCC, should be executable, and should contain the following: @ h_ 404_ 5@

JAR="`dirname $0`/lib/javacc.jar"

case "`uname`" in
     CYGWIN*) JAR="`cygpath --windows -- "$JAR"`" ;;

java -classpath "$JAR" javacc "$@"

Add the bin directory to the path (omit the backslash - as Ahmed Masud pointed out) and all should be vigilant If your operating system is from Redmond, or you want to run JJTree or jjdoc, just download javacc-5.0 and save the script file (not the Lib directory Copy from the 5.0 bin directory to the 6.0 bin directory@ H_ 404_ 5@

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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