Exception in thread “main” Java Lang. outofmemoryerror: GC overhead limit exceeded in GWT application
I am developing applications using GWT and gae When I try to rebuild it or create an artifact, I get a lot of errors as shown in the figure below
I searched Google and stack overflow, and I got some answers, but not my specific question
From my understanding, I get the error because my garbage collector consumes a lot of memory
Here is the main error exception in the thread "main" Java Lang. outofmemoryerror: GC overhead limit exceeded
OK, I solved the problem Just increase the memory required by the virtual machine to compile the project It used to be 128, now I change it to 512 Because my project grows, I need more memory to compile the project's classes This is how to do this in injtellj idea Right click the item
Note: in an ideal IntelliJ 12 project, the settings are: file – > project structure or Ctrl ALRT shirt s