String operation in Java
I asked the following two questions in an interview yesterday
1 GT; Given a string, calculates a new string in which adjacent characters in the original string are separated by "*"
The example is as follows: the function name is public string pairstar (string STR)
pairStar("hello") → "hel*lo" pairStar("xxyy") → "x*xy*y" pairStar("aaaa") → "a*a*a*a"
2 – ; Given a string, calculates a new string in which all lowercase "X" characters have been moved to the end of the string
The example is as follows: the function name is public string endx (string STR)
endX("xxre") → "rexx" endX("xxhixx") → "hixxxx" endX("xhixhix") → "hihixxx"
I don't know how to complete the given problem and try to solve it
For 1), this is a very simple regular expression:
String in = "helllo goodbye"; String out = in.replaceAll("(.)(?=\\1)","$1*"); System.out.println(out);
hel*l*lo go*odbye
(.) //match any one character into group 1 (?=\\1) //positive lookahead for that same character by backreferencing group 1 $1* //replace that one character with the character followed by *
I may solve it later in 2), but I don't like to include multiple problems together
Well, because I'm in the mood of a regular expression, here is 2):
String in = "xhixhix"; String out = in; while (!out.matches("[^x]*x*")) { out = out.replaceAll("x(.*)","$1x"); } System.out.println(out);
This replaces x (some) with (some) x until all x are at the end of the string I'm sure there's a better way to use / instead of regular expressions