Case analysis of spring boot email sending function

Introduction to mail service

Mail service has appeared in the early days of the Internet, and now it has become an indispensable service in people's Internet life. So how does the mail service work? The typical process of sending and receiving mail is given as follows:

1. The sender uses SMTP protocol to transmit mail to mail server a;

2. Mail server a delivers mail to corresponding mail server B according to the recipient specified in the mail;

3. The recipient receives mail from mail server B using POP3 protocol.

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is an Internet standard for e-mail transmission. It is defined in rfc5321 and uses port 25 by default. POP3 (post office protocol - version 3) is mainly used to support the remote management of e-mail on the server using the client. It is defined in RFC 1939 as the third version (latest version) of pop protocol.

These two protocols belong to the application layer protocol of TCP / IP protocol family and run on the TCP layer.

These two protocols are running behind the client and web mail we use to send and receive e-mail to complete the process of sending and receiving e-mail. And now we need to use

SMTP protocol to transmit the mail sent to users to the mail server.

Transmitting mail from the client to the server requires the cooperation of both parties, and the rules are defined in the SMTP protocol. What we need to do now is to find an SMTP server, implement an SMTP client, and then let the client send mail to the server.

The text is as follows

The spring framework uses the javamailsender interface to provide a simple abstraction for sending mail, and spring boot also provides it with automatic configuration and a starter module.

If spring mail. Host and related libraries (defined by spring boot starter mail) exist, and a default javamailsender will be created. The sender can be further customized through the configuration items under the spring.mail namespace. The suwenzhai blog of this site will describe in detail how spring boot can send mail.

Spring boot starter mail dependency is introduced in POM The following contents are added to the XML configuration file (based on the pom.xml file in the previous chapter "spring boot construction framework"):

Application sending mail case

In application Add the following configuration in the properties configuration file (note to replace your user name and password):

Mail service code, as follows:

The simple test code is as follows:


The above is a case study of spring boot email sending function introduced by Xiaobian. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please leave me a message, and Xiaobian will reply to you in time. Thank you very much for your support for the programming tips website!

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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