Java – steps in the alloure2 listener output console
I'm using allure2 and TestNG I want to write my own listener and print @ steps. In the console output
I saw the interface "steplifecycle listener" in charm, but I can't implement this listener in TestNG Do you have any pointers?
@Override public void beforeStepStart(final StepResult result) { System.out.format("Starting step: %s",result.getName()); } @Override public void afterStepStop(final StepResult result) { System.out.format("Completed step: %s",result.getName()); }
Allure 2 listeners are managed by SPI mechanism Therefore, to make it work, you need to perform the following steps:
>Implement the steplifecyclelistener interface and override the required methods. > Create the meta inf / services folder in the resource root directory of the project. > In the above folder, create a new file according to the full name of this interface. > Add the full path of the implementation class to this file
You can find examples in the following items:
For SPI: More information about